||Sundarakanda ||

|| Sarga 8||( Only Slokas in Devanagari) )

(PS: This is a true translation of the Sanskrit epic which tends to have long descriptive sentences which are retained as they are)

Sanskrit Sloka text in Devanagari, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu , and English

||om tat sat||

अथ अष्टमस्सर्गः

स तस्य मध्ये भवनस्य संस्थितम् महद्विमानं मणिवज्रचित्रितम्।
प्रतप्त जंबूनदजालकृत्रिमम् ददर्श वीरः पवनात्मजः कपिः॥1||

स॥ वीरः पवनात्मजः कपिः भवनस्य तस्य मध्ये संस्थितंमहत् व्मानं ददर्श। तत् विमानं मणिवज्रचित्रितं जम्बूनदजालकृत्रिमम् अपि (अस्ति)।

That mighty son of wind god Vayu saw the great aerial car stationed in the middle of that palace. The aerial car was rendered beautiful with gems and diamonds and was adorned with latticed windows of gold.

तदप्रमेयाप्रतिकारकृत्रिमम् कृतं स्वयं साध्विति विश्वकर्मणा।
दिवं गतं वायुपथप्रतिष्टितम् व्यराजताssदित्य पथस्य लक्ष्मवत्॥ 2||

स॥ तत् अप्रमेय अप्रतीकारकृत्रिमम् (विमानं ) स्वयं विश्वकर्मणा साधु कृतं इति ।(तत् विमानं) दिवं गतं वायु पथे प्रतिष्ठितम् आदित्य पथस्य लक्ष्मवत् व्यराजत॥

That aerial car with images of incomparable beauty and immeasurable skill was built by Viswakarma ( the divine architect) himself. That aerial car which was placed in the aerial path in the orbit of Sun shone like a beacon light.

न तत्र किंचि न्नकृतं प्रयत्नतो न तत्रकिंचिन्न महार्हरत्नवत्।
न ते विशेषा नियता स्सुरेष्वपि न तत्र किंचिन्न महाविशेषवत्॥ 3||

स॥ तत्र किंचिदपि प्रयत्नतः न कृतं नास्ति। तत्र न महर्हरत्नवत् किंचिदपि नास्ति। ते विशेषाः सुरेष्वपि न नियताः । तत्र न महाविशेषवत् किंच्दपि नास्ति।

There was nothing in that chariot that was executed without special care and effort. There was nothing in that that was not made with costly gems. Those unique things were not available even to gods. There is nothing in that which was not unique.

तपस्समाधानपराक्रमार्जितम् मनस्समाधानविचारचारिणम्।
अनेकसंस्थान विशेषनिर्मितम् ततस्ततस्तुल्य विशेषदर्शनम्॥ 4||

स॥ तत् विमानं तपः समाधानपराक्रमार्जितम्। तत् विमानं मनः समाधानविचार चारिणम्। तत् विमानं अनेक संस्थान विशेषनिर्मितम् । ततः ततः तुल्यविशेष दर्शनम्॥

That aerial car was acquired through special efforts of penance and prowess. It can go to desired places even by a thought (of its master). It is built with many special seats. It is of wonderful appearance at all places.

विशेषमालांब्य विशेषसंस्थितम् विचित्रकूटं बहुकूटमंडितम्।
मनोभिरामं शरदिंदु निर्मलम् विचित्रकूटं शिखरं गिरेर्यथा ॥5||

स॥ तत् विमानं विशेषं आलंब्यविशेष संस्थितं। तत् विमानं विचित्रकूटं बहुकूटमंडितम् अस्ति। निर्मलं शरद् इन्दु इव मनोभिरामं। गिरे शिखरं यथा विचित्रकूटं (अपि अस्ति)।

That aerial car was specially designed in a unique manner. It had many wonderful decorated peaks. Like the autumnal full moon it was pleasing to the heart. Like a mountain peak it had wonderful towers.

वहंति यं कुंडलशोभिताननाः महाशना व्योमचरा निशाचराः ।
विवृत विध्वस्तविशाललोचनाः महाजवा भूतगणा स्सहस्रशः॥6||

स॥ यं ( विमानं) सहस्रः कुण्डलशोभिताननः महाशनाः व्योमचराः निशाचराः विवृत विध्वस्त विशाल लोचनाः महाजवाः भूतगणाः वहंति॥

That aerial cars was borne by thousands of groups of Bhutas who have faces brightened by earrings, who are gluttons, who are ranging in the sky, who are night birds, who are with big rolling and frightening eyes as well as those who have tremendous speed.

वसंतपुष्कोत्करचारुदर्शनम् वसंतमासादपि कांत दर्शनम्।
स पुष्पकं तत्र विमानमुत्तमम् ददर्श तद्वानरवीरसत्तमः॥7||

स॥ तत् वानर सत्तमः तत् उत्तमं पुष्पकं विमानं ददर्श । वसंतपुष्कोत्तरचारुदर्शनं तं विमानं ददर्श। वसंत मासादपि कान्त दर्शनम् तं विमानं ददर्श।

That best of Vanaras saw the best of aerial cars namely Pushpaka. The aerial car was looking beautiful like a collection of blossoms of the spring. It was appearing more beautiful than the spring itself.

इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये वाल्मीकीये
चतुर्विंशत् सहस्रिकायां संहितायाम्
श्रीमत्सुंदरकांडे अष्टमस्सर्गः॥

Thus ends the eighth Sarga of Sundarakanda in Ramayana, the first ever poem of mankind composed by Maharshi Valmiki.||

|| Om tat sat ||